來源:數(shù)據(jù)觀 時間:2017-03-29 16:43:17 作者:燈塔大數(shù)據(jù)
?挪威卑爾根Uni Research公司的科學(xué)家Eirik Thorsnes表示:“計算機的高級圖像識別是一項復(fù)雜繁瑣的過程,你必須讓計算機模仿人類大腦,從大量無效信息中提取出有效信息?!?/p>
?Uni Research公司大數(shù)據(jù)分析中心致力于研發(fā)大數(shù)據(jù)在研究和商業(yè)領(lǐng)域的應(yīng)用戰(zhàn)略。該大數(shù)據(jù)中心還在開發(fā)高級計算機算力,模仿人腦進行復(fù)雜信息處理。
?Thorsnes 說:“在未來幾年,對這項技術(shù)的需求只會不斷增加,但是它并不是‘即插即用’、能快速上手的技術(shù)。我們的研究員在處理大規(guī)模數(shù)據(jù)方面已經(jīng)積累的足夠的專業(yè)知識和經(jīng)驗,才能抓住最核心的應(yīng)用技術(shù)。”
?Uni Research計算部門的研究員開發(fā)出一套計算機系統(tǒng),能夠在圖像中準確識別目標,并在圖像中發(fā)現(xiàn)具有重要性的對象。
?人工智能、圖像識別和機器學(xué)習(xí)方面的專家Alla Sapronova說:
?Thorsnes 說:“我們還能讓電腦監(jiān)測主要公路邊已發(fā)生滑坡的山體,讓電腦識別什么樣的山體變化是即將發(fā)生滑坡的征兆?!?/p>
?由Klaus Johannsen 率領(lǐng)的Uni Research計算與大數(shù)據(jù)分析中心的團隊與Uni Research的環(huán)境部開展合作,共同監(jiān)測繪制鮭魚和鱒魚在河口的運動情況。
?“以前,這些過程都是由人來完成的,你必須要找一個人坐在那里盯著屏幕,看好幾個小時的醫(yī)療分析錄像或者交通路況錄像,” Thorsnes說。
?Using big data to analyze images, videobetter than the human brain
?Improving traffic safety, better healthservices and environmental benefits -- Big Data experts see a wide range ofpossibilities for advanced image analysis and recognition technology.
?"Advanced image recognition bycomputers is the result of a great deal of very demanding work. You have tomimic the way the human brain distinguishes significant from unimportantinformation," says Eirik Thorsnes at Uni Research in Bergen, Norway.
?Thorsnes heads a group in the company'sCentre for Big Data Analysis focus area, which develops strategies for use ofbig data for research and commercial purposes. The Centre also works ondeveloping advanced computing power that works in the same complex way as thehuman brain.
?In many areas, the human brain's fantasticcapacity and working methods will continue to outperform computers, but thereare some areas where computers can do things better.
?"There has been a tremendousdevelopment in recent years, and we are now surpassing the human level in termsof image recognition and analysis. After all, computers never get tired oflooking at near-identical images and may be capable of noticing even thetiniest nuances that we humans cannot see. In addition, as it gets easier toanalyse large volumes of images and video, many processes in society can beimproved and optimised," Thorsnes explains.
?Recognise which objects are importantThorsnes and his colleagues at the Centre for Big Data Analysis predict thatimage recognition and analysis will become increasingly important in areas suchas health care, environmental monitoring, seabed surveys and satellite images.
?Using big data in image analysis andrecognition requires a combination of good hardware, algorithms (formulae) andsoftware, as well as people who manage to recognise the best approaches.
?"The need for this kind of technologywill only increase in coming years, but it is not 'plug and play'. Ourresearchers have developed specialised knowledge about handling huge amounts ofdata, and thus how essential knowledge can be identified," says Thorsnes.
?Researchers in the department Uni ResearchComputing develop computer systems that learn to recognise objects andrecognise which objects are important in the image.
?Alla Sapronova is an expert in artificialintelligence, image recognition and machine learning:
?"I train computers in the same way weteach children. I show the computer patterns of input signals and tell it whatI expect the output signal to be. I repeat this process until the system beginsto recognise the patterns. Then I show the computer an input signal, such as animage, that it has not seen before and test whether the system understands whatit is," Sapronova explains.
?For example, on a relatively simple level,this kind of machine learning has resulted in smile recognition technology formobile phone cameras.
?Autistic children undergoing music therapyMore advanced areas of application include medicine, with analysis of externalbodily signs of illness, or the detection of positive / negative situations inconsultation with a therapist.
?"We have run a pilot project withGAMUT, with analysis of video footage of autistic children undergoing musictherapy. Normally, the therapist would have to spend hours reviewing thefootage to identify the exact moment that best reveals the status or progressof the patient. However, if we teach a computer what constitutes an interestingmoment, it will be able to find and select them, although to date computerscannot rank them. There is great potential for further development in asubsequent project," says Thorsnes.
?In another project, the researchers used apublicly available webcam at Danmarksplass, Bergen's busiest road intersection,as a starting point to teach computers to register how many and what types ofvehicles passed through the junction during the course of the day.
?This allows identification of trafficpatterns, which can then be used in planning and decision-making. In addition,at times the air quality at Danmarksplass is very poor in winter, and Thorsnesenvisages that better mapping of the traffic could also provide a basis forenvironmental improvements.
?However, he believes that at the currenttime image analysis has the greatest potential in improving traffic safety,which is basically a matter of monitoring selected stretches of roads ortunnels. Computers could detect a range of different situations, including carstravelling in the wrong direction, fire, abandoned cars, people inside tunnels,etc.
?"It will also be possible to getcomputers to monitor slopes susceptible to landslides along major roads, andteach the computers to recognise which changes in the landscape might imply anincreased risk of a landslide," says Thorsnes.
?Monitor the incidence of escapees from fishfarms Uni Research Computing and the Centre for Big Data Analysis, headed byresearch director Klaus Johannsen, have also worked on a project mapping themovements of salmon and trout at the mouth of a river. This work was done incollaboration with another department in the company, Uni Research Environment.
?"A camera was installed at the mouthof the river, and the computer was trained to record what kind of fish passed,and whether it was a wild fish or a farmed fish. In this way, we can monitorthe incidence of escapees from fish farms, among other things," saysThorsnes.
?Part of the reason that detectiontechnology has made such good headway in recent years is what Thorsnes calls arediscovery of algorithms for artificial intelligence.
?The industry's needs and some good oldartificial intelligence ideas found one another at the same time as massivecomputing power and sophisticated graphic processors from the gaming industrybecame available for use in analyses.
?"Traditionally, these kinds ofanalyses have been carried out by people who have to sit and watch hours ofvideo footage, for example medical analysis or traffic in tunnels," saysThorsnes.
?The algorithms that have had something of arenaissance come from what is now called 'deep learning', because we now haveenough computing power thanks to advanced processors and access to interestingmaterial to be able to teach more advanced and 'deeper' algorithms.